API3 DAO Welcomes Community Participation
We think critical infrastructure, like API3 DAO's first-party oracles, should implement open and transparent contributor processes to align with our vision of being a programmatically driven protocol.
To support DAO governance and inform voters, all teams publish a public proposal at regular intervals, meaning strategy & operations are accessible on the API3 Governance Forum for all to understand. Additionally, teams generally update the community with ongoing reports.
Types of contributors
Community participants within a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) have an active role in shaping the future of the project. Our aim is to simplify the process for those who wish to participate, providing predefined methods for engagement. Generally these take three forms:
- Core team contributions
- Completion of pre-defined bounties
- New initiatives or ideas
Contributors can engage with proposals made by the core teams
If contributors feel they possess particular skills or expertise that may benefit the proposal's execution, they can directly communicate with the proposal leads. This collaborative approach encourages a diverse array of viewpoints and fosters a proactive culture where everyone's skills and experiences are leveraged for the benefit of the DAO's objectives.
Take on pre-defined bounties
Community participants have the opportunity to engage with pre-set bounties, organized in a modular structure to offer clear and attainable tasks. For instance, a bounty might be created for a specific job that is expected to be completed within two days. This structure allows any member of the community to take on the job, complete it, and subsequently receive the designated grant as a reward retrospectively.
Submit your own proposal
We welcome proposals that bring new ideas or sub-teams to the DAO. Generally engaging the DAO through our community in a constructive manner will help sentiment check a proposal and help shape it to align to current contributors. If you are proposing an initiative that would require collaboration with a current sub team, we suggest coordinating proactively and outlining how you will work together.
Put forward your ideas to the API3 DAO
Regardless of the contributor's skill, API3's vision is for participation to be as frictionless as possible. Individuals with a relevant background can contribute to the project in a flexible manner, replicating similar freelancer/consultancy type models commonly seen.
Technical contributors
For technical folks this could be through development, integrations, writing documentation, etc. Although the general challenge is that one needs to be able to use a solution proficiently before being able to improve it. If this applies we suggest digesting the get started materials.
To begin with, this contribution may look like:
- opening issues
- making pull requests
- proposing features
To get started
We recommend spending some time learning about API3 DAO's oracle technology before looking to contribute from an engineer perspective. We welcome you to ask any questions on Discord.
- Read the entirety of these docs. Take notes and cross-reference, but do not expect to understand everything. Feel free to ask questions.
- Visit the API3 GitHub page to explore the many repositories of API3's oracle stack and gain in-depth knowledge.
- Head to the API3 Community Hub with get started tutorials & demo projects.
- Go through the issues, PRs, etc. and understand the current focus of the development team by viewing the development board.
If you are learning about blockchain & oracles
- Read the getting started section in the API3 Docs
- (For the curious) Explore the API3 codebase on GitHub
- If you do not have any blockchain development experience, read Mastering Ethereum cover to cover. It is a light read that touches on all subjects that you will need to know about superficially.
Non-technical contributors
Marketers, creatives and community builders can contribute to DAO with ad-hoc projects or to support specific areas within subteams. The challenge here is accurately scoping, forming a brief proposed solution method, and then delivering in alignment with other involved contributors.
Among many other types, contributions may look like:
- blog posts, community resources
- ambassador activity, setting of events
- graphic design, creative
- testers, user research
How do I access funds to support my efforts?
Prospective contributors should provide a clear scope of work with (1) detailed deliverables and estimations of completion time (2) any applicable coordination with other contributors necessary to accomplish the deliverables and (3) the amount of API3 tokens requested.
We appreciate the individual nature of contributing and these frameworks are flexible, yet linking these activities to the challenges outlined in team proposals will support our holistic objectives and be more likely supported.
Ecosystem fast bounties & retrospective grants
The API3 Ecosystem team has a dedicated pool of funds to support micro-grants from community contributors. This can be retrospective or pre-planned, but has been created to make rewarding contribution frictionless and simple.
Submit a proposal to the DAO
- Join the API3 community and submit within the ecosystem contributor request channel.
- Submit an overview and sentiment check onto the API3 forums.
- Follow the proposal guidelines provided by API3 DAO.
- Email [email protected] with an overview
Within this process we welcome open dialogue and as a DAO recognize that external contributors and diversity in thought is a strength.
We invite all curious contributors to engage API3
- API3 Forum
- Community Chat on Telegram
- Developer Chat on Discord
- YouTube Channel